If you have recovered from COVID, your body has the antibodies to fight an infection caused by Coronavirus. Sometimes people
experience fatigue and lethargy even after testing COVID negative. CoroQuil-Zn helps to protect as the drug itself has some great
properties besides Zinc (which is a good supplement). CoroQuil-Zn helps in regulating the immune system and overall wellness.
Therefore, it is beneficial to take CoroQuil-Zn in all situations as there may be new variants of coronaviruses.
The vaccine helps your body fight the virus if you get infected. Vaccine and/or drugs do not guarantee one from contracting COVID,
especially considering that new variants of coronavirus may emerge. Hence if one contracts COVID after vaccination, CoroQuil-Zn will
still reduce the viral load by inhibiting the Spike protein of the Coronavirus from docking with the ACE2 receptor. Therefore, it is
beneficial to take CoroQuil-Zn to prevent infection in the first place.
Remdesivir, Favipiravir, and new investigative drug Molnupiravir, all act at the level of RdRp (replication). We have done preclinical
cell-based assays with a combination of CoroQuil-Zn and Remdesivir and found that in the presence of CoroQuil-Zn (in small
concentrations) the Remdesivir effect is enhanced multifold. No formal Clinical Study has been done as a combination therapy with
We have completed Phase 3 Clinical Trials of CoroQuil-Zn in mild and moderate COVID-19 patients as per the “AYUSH and ICMR guidelines for Pandemic Trials” and Ethics Committee standards and approvals with CTRI registration. CoroQuil-Zn resulted in significantly more RTqPCR negative patients compared to Standard of Care. In fact, 94.8% of the patients turned -ve on Day 7 and 100% of patients who took Coroqui-Zn turned negative on Day 14. It is currently awaiting approval by the Dept. of Ayush. The CTRI link is : http://ctri.nic.in/Clinicaltrials/pdf_generate.php?trialid=48763&EncHid=&modid=&compid=%2 7,%2748763det%27